
Posts Tagged ‘Messiah’

In Mark’s gospel, he tells of Jesus doing bread miracles for the crowd (chapter 6 v30-44. 8 v1-10) and boat miracles for the disciples (4 v35-41, 6 v45-51), then a miracle with both bread and a boat! (8 v10-21).

The disciples are getting to know Jesus and learning to trust him. Then the storm takes over their vision and trust starts to flounder. Jesus makes a statement in v35 saying they are going to the other side of the lake. The disciples lost focus of this while battling with the wind and waves.

Meanwhile, Jesus sleeps, demonstrating his trust in the Father. He has the authority to calm the storm and so he does, after being woken by some very frightened sailors. Interestingly, that when the storm is stilled by Jesus, we are told that the disciples are now terrified! In the silence. They were just getting their head around Jesus maybe being the Messiah, but this?

This passage is about Jesus and who He is. Notice that:

  • He makes them a promise
  • He is with them in the good weather
  • He is with them in the bad weather
  • He changes the circumstances
  • He brought peace

How can knowing these things help you when you face a scary situation?

Rest in who Jesus is. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Praise Him today!

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